(function ($) { var tableFacades = new Object(); var getFormByTableId = function(id) { var node = document.getElementById(id); var found = false; while (!found) { if (node.nodeName == 'FORM') { found = true; return node; } node = node.parentNode; } return null; } var coreapi = { addTableFacade : function(id) { var tableFacade = new classes.TableFacade(id); tableFacades[tableFacade.limit.id] = tableFacade; }, getTableFacade : function(id) { return tableFacades[id]; }, setSaveToWorksheet : function(id) { this.getTableFacade(id).worksheet.save='true'; }, setFilterToWorksheet : function(id) { this.getTableFacade(id).worksheet.filter='true'; this.setPageToLimit(id, '1'); }, setClearToWorksheet : function(id) { this.getTableFacade(id).worksheet.clear='true'; }, setAddRowToWorksheet : function(id) { this.getTableFacade(id).worksheet.addRow='true'; }, setRemoveRowToWorksheet : function(id, uniqueProperties) { this.getTableFacade(id).worksheet.removeRow = uniqueProperties; }, removeFilterFromWorksheet : function(id) { this.getTableFacade(id).worksheet.filter=null; this.setPageToLimit(id, '1'); }, setPageToLimit : function(id, page) { this.getTableFacade(id).limit.setPage(page); }, setMaxRowsToLimit : function(id, maxRows) { this.getTableFacade(id).limit.setMaxRows(maxRows); this.setPageToLimit(id, '1'); }, setTotalRowsToLimit : function(id, totalRows) { this.getTableFacade(id).limit.setTotalRows(totalRows); }, addSortToLimit : function(id, position, property, order) { /*First remove the sort if it is set on the limit, and then set the page back to the first one.*/ this.removeSortFromLimit(id, property); this.setPageToLimit(id, '1'); var limit = this.getTableFacade(id).limit; var sort = new classes.Sort(position, property, order); limit.addSort(sort); }, removeSortFromLimit : function(id, property) { var limit = this.getTableFacade(id).limit; var sortSet = limit.getSortSet(); $.each(sortSet, function(index, sort) { if (sort.property == property) { sortSet.splice(index, 1); return false; } }); }, removeAllSortsFromLimit : function(id) { var limit = this.getTableFacade(id).limit; limit.setSortSet(new Array()); this.setPageToLimit(id, '1'); }, getSortFromLimit : function(id, property) { var limit = this.getTableFacade(id).limit; var sortSet = limit.getSortSet(); $.each(sortSet, function(index, sort) { if (sort.property == property) { return sort; } }); }, addFilterToLimit : function(id, property, value) { /*First remove the filter if it is set on the limit, and then set the page back to the first one.*/ this.removeFilterFromLimit(id, property); this.setPageToLimit(id, '1'); var limit = this.getTableFacade(id).limit; var filter = new classes.Filter(property, value); limit.addFilter(filter); }, removeFilterFromLimit : function(id, property) { var limit = this.getTableFacade(id).limit; var filterSet = limit.getFilterSet(); $.each(filterSet, function(index, filter) { if (filter.property == property) { filterSet.splice(index, 1); return false; } }); }, removeAllFiltersFromLimit : function(id) { var tableFacade = this.getTableFacade(id); var limit = tableFacade.limit; limit.setFilterSet(new Array()); this.setPageToLimit(id, '1'); var worksheet = tableFacade.worksheet; worksheet.filter = null; }, getFilterFromLimit : function(id, property) { var limit = this.getTableFacade(id).limit; var filterSet = limit.getFilterSet(); $.each(filterSet, function(index, filter) { if (filter.property == property) { return filter; } }); }, setExportToLimit : function(id, exportType) { this.getTableFacade(id).limit.setExport(exportType); }, createHiddenInputFieldsForLimit : function(id) { var tableFacade = this.getTableFacade(id); var form = getFormByTableId(id); tableFacade.createHiddenInputFields(form); }, createHiddenInputFieldsForLimitAndSubmit : function(id) { var tableFacade = this.getTableFacade(id); var form = getFormByTableId(id); var created = tableFacade.createHiddenInputFields(form); if (created) { form.submit(); } }, createHiddenInputFieldsAllFormTablesForLimitAndSubmit : function() { var form; var created; $.each(tableFacades, function(id, tableFacade) { if (!form) { form = getFormByTableId(id); } created = tableFacade.createHiddenInputFields(form); }); if (created) { form.submit(); } }, createParameterStringForLimit : function(id) { var tableFacade = this.getTableFacade(id); return tableFacade.createParameterString(); }, setOnInvokeAction : function (id, functionName) { var tableFacade = this.getTableFacade(id); tableFacade.onInvokeAction = functionName; }, setOnInvokeExportAction : function (id, functionName) { var tableFacade = this.getTableFacade(id); tableFacade.onInvokeExportAction = functionName; }, setContextPath : function (id, contextPath) { var tableFacade = this.getTableFacade(id); tableFacade.contextPath = contextPath; }, getContextPath : function (id) { var tableFacade = this.getTableFacade(id); return tableFacade.contextPath; }, onInvokeAction : function (id, action) { var tableFacade = this.getTableFacade(id); var f = window[tableFacade.onInvokeAction]; if ($.isFunction(f) !== true) { throw tableFacade.onInvokeAction + ' is not a global function!'; } else { f(id, action); } }, onInvokeExportAction : function (id) { var tableFacade = this.getTableFacade(id); var f = window[tableFacade.onInvokeExportAction]; if ($.isFunction(f) !== true) { throw tableFacade.onInvokeExportAction + ' is not a global function!'; } else { f(id); } }, getFormByTableId : function (id) { return getFormByTableId(id); } }; /*********** Objects and Prototype Functions ***********/ var classes = { TableFacade : function (id) { this.limit = new classes.Limit(id); this.worksheet = new classes.Worksheet(); this.onInvokeAction = 'onInvokeAction'; this.onInvokeExportAction = 'onInvokeExportAction'; this.contextPath = ''; }, Worksheet : function () { this.save = null; this.filter = null; this.clear = null; this.addRow = null; this.removeRow = null; }, Limit : function (id) { this.id = id; this.page = null; this.maxRows = null; this.totalRows = null; this.sortSet = []; this.filterSet = []; this.exportType = null; }, Sort : function (position, property, order) { this.position = position; this.property = property; this.order = order; }, Filter : function (property, value) { this.property = property; this.value = value; }, DynFilter : function (filter, id, property) { this.filter = filter; this.id = id; this.property = property; }, WsColumn : function (column, id, uniqueProperties, property) { this.column = column; this.id = id; this.uniqueProperties = uniqueProperties; this.property = property; } }; $.extend(classes.Limit.prototype, { getId : function () { return this.id; }, setId : function (id) { this.id = id; }, getPage : function () { return this.page; }, setPage : function (page) { this.page = page; }, getMaxRows : function () { return this.maxRows; }, setMaxRows : function (maxRows) { this.maxRows = maxRows; }, getTotalRows : function () { return this.totalRows; }, setTotalRows : function (totalRows) { this.totalRows = totalRows; }, getTotalPages : function () { if (this.maxRows == 0) return 1; var pages = this.totalRows / this.maxRows; if ((this.totalRows % this.maxRows) > 0) { ++pages; } return pages; }, getSortSet : function () { return this.sortSet; }, addSort : function (sort) { this.sortSet[this.sortSet.length] = sort; }, setSortSet : function (sortSet) { this.sortSet = sortSet; }, getFilterSet : function () { return this.filterSet; }, addFilter : function (filter) { this.filterSet[this.filterSet.length] = filter; }, setFilterSet : function (filterSet) { this.filterSet = filterSet; }, getExport : function () { return this.exportType; }, setExport : function (exportType) { this.exportType = exportType; } }); $.extend(classes.TableFacade.prototype, { createHiddenInputFields : function(form) { var limit = this.limit; var exists = $(form).find(':hidden[name=' + limit.id + '_p_]').val(); if (exists) { return false; } if (this.worksheet.save) { $(form).append(''); } if (this.worksheet.filter) { $(form).append(''); } if (this.worksheet.clear) { $(form).append(''); } if (this.worksheet.addRow) { $(form).append(''); } if (this.worksheet.removeRow) { $.each(this.worksheet.removeRow, function(key, value) { $(form).append(''); }); } /* tip the API off that in the loop of working with the table */ $(form).append(''); /* the current page */ $(form).append(''); $(form).append(''); /* the sort objects */ var sortSet = limit.getSortSet(); $.each(sortSet, function(index, sort) { $(form).append(''); }); /* the filter objects */ var filterSet = limit.getFilterSet(); $.each(filterSet, function(index, filter) { $(form).append(''); }); return true; }, createParameterString : function() { var limit = this.limit; var url = ''; /* the current page */ url += limit.id + '_p_=' + limit.page; /* the max rows */ url += '&' + limit.id + '_mr_=' + limit.maxRows; /* the sort objects */ var sortSet = limit.getSortSet(); $.each(sortSet, function(index, sort) { url += '&' + limit.id + '_s_' + sort.position + '_' + sort.property + '=' + sort.order; }); /* the filter objects */ var filterSet = limit.getFilterSet(); $.each(filterSet, function(index, filter) { url += '&' + limit.id + '_f_' + filter.property + '=' + encodeURIComponent(filter.value); /*url += '&' + limit.id + '_f_' + filter.property + '=' + escape(filter.value);*/ }); /* the export */ if (limit.exportType) { url += '&' + limit.id + '_e_=' + limit.exportType; } /* tip the API off that in the loop of working with the table */ url += '&' + limit.id + '_tr_=true'; if (this.worksheet.save) { url += '&' + limit.id + '_sw_=true'; } if (this.worksheet.filter) { url += '&' + limit.id + '_fw_=true'; } if (this.worksheet.clear) { url += '&' + limit.id + '_cw_=true'; } if (this.worksheet.addRow) { url += '&' + limit.id + '_awr_=true'; } if (this.worksheet.removeRow) { $.each(this.worksheet.removeRow, function(key, value) { url += '&' + limit.id + '_rwr_=' + value; }); } return url; } }); /************* Filter ***********/ var dynFilter = null; var filterapi = { createDynFilter : function(filter, id, property) { if (dynFilter) { return; } dynFilter = new classes.DynFilter(filter, id, property); var cell = $(filter); var width = cell.width(); var originalValue = cell.text(); /* Enforce the width with a style. */ cell.width(width); cell.parent().width(width); cell.css('overflow', 'visible'); cell.html('
'); var input = $('#dynFilterInput'); input.val(originalValue); input.focus(); if (jQuery.browser.msie) { /* IE need a second focus */ input.focus(); } $(input).keydown(function(event) { var id = dynFilter.id; if (event.keyCode == 13) { /* Press the enter key. */ $.jmesa.saveDynFilterData(cell, input, originalValue); $.jmesa.onInvokeAction(id, 'filter'); } else if (event.keyCode == 9) { /* Press the tab key. */ var divToClick = $.jmesa.findNextCell(id, 'dynFilter', event.shiftKey); $.jmesa.saveDynFilterData(cell, input, originalValue); if (divToClick != null){ divToClick.onclick(); return false; /* Stop event for IE */ } } }); $(input).blur(function() { $.jmesa.saveDynFilterData(cell, input, originalValue); }); }, saveDynFilterData : function(cell, input, originalValue) { var changedValue = input.val(); cell.text(''); cell.css('overflow', 'hidden'); cell.text(changedValue); if(originalValue != changedValue) { $.jmesa.addFilterToLimit(dynFilter.id, dynFilter.property, changedValue); } dynFilter = null; }, createDroplist : function(droplistDivId, droplistInputId, cell, options) { if ($('#' + droplistDivId).size() > 0) { return false; /* Droplist already created. */ } cell.css('overflow', 'visible'); /* Get the original cell value and width. */ var originalValue = cell.text(); var width = cell.width(); /* Need to first get the size of the array. */ var size = 0; $.each(options, function() { size++; if (size > 10) { size = 10; return false; } }); /* Enforce the width with a style. */ cell.width(width); cell.parent().width(width); /* Create the dynamic select input box. */ cell.html('
'); var html = ''; var div = $('#' + droplistDivId); div.html(html); var input = $('#' + droplistInputId); /* Resize the column if it is not at least as wide as the column. */ var selectWidth = input.width(); if (selectWidth < width) { input.width(width + 5); /* always make the droplist overlap some */ } input.focus(); var originalBackgroundColor = cell.css("backgroundColor"); cell.css({backgroundColor:div.css("backgroundColor")}); return true; }, createDroplistDynFilter : function(filter, id, property, options) { if (dynFilter) { return; } dynFilter = new classes.DynFilter(filter, id, property); /* The cell that represents the filter. */ var cell = $(filter); var originalValue = cell.text(); var originalBackgroundColor = cell.css("backgroundColor"); var droplistDivId = 'dynFilterDroplistDiv'; var droplistInputId = 'dynFilterDroplist'; if (!($.jmesa.createDroplist(droplistDivId, droplistInputId, cell, options))) { return; } var div = $('#' + droplistDivId); var input = $('#' + droplistInputId); /* Something was selected or the clicked off the droplist. */ // $(input).click(function() { // var id = dynFilter.id; // $.jmesa.saveDroplistDynFilterData(cell, originalValue, originalBackgroundColor); // $.jmesa.onInvokeAction(id, 'filter'); // }); $(input).click(function(event) { var id = dynFilter.id; $.jmesa.saveDroplistDynFilterData(cell, originalValue, originalBackgroundColor); $.jmesa.onInvokeAction(id, 'filter'); event.stopPropagation(); }); $(input).blur(function() { $.jmesa.saveDroplistDynFilterData(cell, originalValue, originalBackgroundColor); }); div.keydown(function(event) { var id = dynFilter.id; if (event.keyCode == 13) { /* Press the enter key. */ $.jmesa.saveDroplistDynFilterData(cell, originalValue, originalBackgroundColor); $.jmesa.onInvokeAction(id, 'filter'); } else if (event.keyCode == 9) { /* Press the tab key. */ var divToClick = $.jmesa.findNextCell(id, 'dynFilter', event.shiftKey); $.jmesa.saveDroplistDynFilterData(cell, originalValue, originalBackgroundColor); if (divToClick != null){ divToClick.onclick(); return false; /* Stop event for IE */ } } }); }, saveDroplistDynFilterData : function(cell, originalValue, originalBackgroundColor) { var changedValue = $("#dynFilterDroplistDiv option:selected").val(); var changedText = $("#dynFilterDroplistDiv option:selected").text(); cell.text(changedText); cell.css('overflow', 'hidden'); if (originalValue != changedValue) { $.jmesa.addFilterToLimit(dynFilter.id, dynFilter.property, changedValue); } $('#dynFilterDroplistDiv').remove(); cell.css({backgroundColor:originalBackgroundColor}); dynFilter = null; } } /*********** Worksheet ***********/ var wsColumn = null; var errorMap; var validatorOptions = {}; /* used when multiple tables are present in a single page */ var previousTableId; var worksheetapi = { createWsColumn : function(column, id, uniqueProperties, property) { if (wsColumn) { return; } wsColumn = new classes.WsColumn(column, id, uniqueProperties, property); var cell = $(column); var width = cell.width(); var originalValue = cell.text(); /* Enforce the width with a style. */ cell.width(width); cell.parent().width(width); cell.css('overflow', 'visible'); cell.html('
'); var input = $('#wsColumnInput'); input.val(originalValue); input.focus(); if (jQuery.browser.msie) { /* IE need a second focus */ input.focus(); } this.wsColumnKeyEvent(cell, input, originalValue); $('#wsColumnInput').blur(function() { $.jmesa.validateAndSubmitWsColumn(cell, input, originalValue); }); }, findNextCell : function(tableId, classToMatch, shiftKey) { var divToClick = null; var nextCell = false; var lastCell = false; var lastDiv = null; var firstDiv = null; /* identify wsColumn, wsColumnChange or wsColumnError if classToMatch startsWith wsColumn */ $('#' + tableId).find('div:[class^=' + classToMatch + ']').each(function(index, divElement) { if (firstDiv == null){ firstDiv = divElement; } if (nextCell){ divToClick = divElement; return false; } else if (divElement.style.overflow == 'visible'){ if (shiftKey){ /* shift-tabulation ==> Precedent cell */ if (divElement == firstDiv){ /* shitf-tabulation in first cell */ lastCell = true; } else { divToClick = lastDiv; return false; } } else { /* tabulation ==> Next cell */ nextCell = true; } } lastDiv = divElement; }); if (divToClick == null){ if (nextCell){ /* tabulation in last cell */ divToClick = firstDiv; } else if (lastCell) { /* shitf-tabulation in first cell */ divToClick = lastDiv; } } return divToClick; }, wsColumnKeyEvent : function(cell, input, originalValue) { var keyEvent = function(event) { if (event.keyCode == 13 || event.keyCode == 9) { /* Press the enter or tabulation key. */ var divToClick = null; if (event.keyCode == 9) { /* Press the tabulation key ==> search last or next cell */ divToClick = $.jmesa.findNextCell(wsColumn.id, 'wsColumn', event.shiftKey); } $.jmesa.validateAndSubmitWsColumn(cell, input, originalValue); if (divToClick != null){ divToClick.onclick(); return false; /* Stop event for IE */ } } else if (event.shiftKey && event.ctrlKey && event.keyCode == 90) { /* Ctrl+Shift+z key to get original value (undo). */ /* Get original value */ if (cell.attr('class') != 'wsColumn') { input.val(cell.attr('data-ov')); } } }; /* Use keydown across all browsers as IE and Safari don't catch tabulation and Firefox doesn't catch Ctrl / Alt on keypress */ input.keydown(keyEvent); }, createWsDroplistColumn : function(column, id, uniqueProperties, property, options) { if (wsColumn) { return; } wsColumn = new classes.WsColumn(column, id, uniqueProperties, property); /* The cell that represents the column. */ var cell = $(column); var originalValue = cell.text(); var originalBackgroundColor = cell.css("backgroundColor"); var droplistDivId = 'wsColumnDroplistDiv'; var droplistInputId = 'wsColumnDroplistInput'; if (!($.jmesa.createDroplist(droplistDivId, droplistInputId, cell, options))) { return; } var div = $('#' + droplistDivId); var input = $('#' + droplistInputId); /* Something was selected or the clicked off the droplist. */ $(input).click(function() { $.jmesa.submitWsDroplistColumn(cell, originalValue, originalBackgroundColor); /* This little hack is required to remove the row highlighing */ cell.parent().parent().mouseout(); return false; /* Stop event for IE */ }); $(input).blur(function() { $.jmesa.submitWsDroplistColumn(cell, originalValue, originalBackgroundColor); }); div.keydown(function(event) { var id = wsColumn.id; if (event.keyCode == 13 || event.keyCode == 9) { /* Press the enter or tabulation key. */ if (event.keyCode == 13) { /* Press the enter key. */ $.jmesa.submitWsDroplistColumn(cell, originalValue, originalBackgroundColor); /* This little hack is required to remove the row highlighing */ cell.parent().parent().mouseout(); } else if (event.keyCode == 9) { /* Press the tab key. */ var divToClick = $.jmesa.findNextCell(id, 'wsColumn', event.shiftKey); $.jmesa.submitWsDroplistColumn(cell, originalValue, originalBackgroundColor); /* This little hack is required to remove the row highlighing */ cell.parent().parent().mouseout(); if (divToClick != null){ divToClick.onclick(); return false; /* Stop event for IE */ } } } else if (event.shiftKey && event.ctrlKey && event.keyCode == 90) { /* Ctrl+Shift+z key to get original value (undo). */ /* Get original value */ if (cell.attr('class') != 'wsColumn') { input.val(cell.attr('data-ov')); } } }); }, submitWsDroplistColumn : function(cell, originalValue, originalBackgroundColor) { var changedKey = $("#wsColumnDroplistDiv option:selected").val(); var changedValue = $("#wsColumnDroplistDiv option:selected").text(); cell.text(changedValue); cell.css('overflow', 'hidden'); if (originalValue != changedValue) { if (cell.attr('class') == 'wsColumn') { /* use custom attribute to store original value */ cell.attr('data-ov', originalValue); } $.jmesa.submitWsColumn(originalValue, changedValue); } $('#wsColumnDroplistDiv').remove(); cell.css({backgroundColor:originalBackgroundColor}); wsColumn = null; }, submitWsCheckboxColumn : function(column, id, uniqueProperties, property) { wsColumn = new classes.WsColumn(column, id, uniqueProperties, property); var checked = column.checked; var changedValue = 'unchecked'; if (checked) { changedValue = 'checked'; } var originalValue = 'unchecked'; if (!checked) { /* The first time the original value is the opposite. */ originalValue = 'checked'; } $.jmesa.submitWsColumn(originalValue, changedValue); wsColumn = null; }, setError : function(em) { errorMap = em; }, setValidator : function(id, options) { validatorOptions[id] = options; }, getValidator : function(id) { if (!validatorOptions[id]) return; var form = $.jmesa.getFormByTableId(id); /* If there are multiple tables in a SINGLE form then... */ /* 1. Check from which table the cell is getting modified */ /* 2. If it is from same table that of last cell, do nothing */ /* 3. If it is from different table that of last cell, check if the two tables are in single form */ /* 3.1 If yes, we need to delete the existing validator and create a new for the new table */ /* This is a small hack (maipulation with data structure of validator plugin) */ /* This is required since validator object gets created only ONCE per form */ /* i.e, if a "validator" has been created (for previous table options), it will not be created again (for new table options) */ if (previousTableId && (previousTableId != id) && ($.jmesa.getFormByTableId(previousTableId) == form)) { $.data(form, 'validator', null); } previousTableId = id; return $(form).validate(validatorOptions[id]); }, validateAndSubmitWsColumn : function(cell, input, originalValue) { var changedValue = input.val(); var validator = $.jmesa.getValidator(wsColumn.id); var hasRules; if (validator) { $.each(input.rules(), function() { hasRules = true; }); } if (changedValue != originalValue) { if (hasRules) { /* trigger validation */ validator.element($('#wsColumnInput')); } } cell.text(''); cell.css('overflow', 'hidden'); cell.text(changedValue); if (changedValue != originalValue) { if (cell.attr('class') == 'wsColumn') { /* use custom attribute to store original value */ cell.attr('data-ov', originalValue); } $.jmesa.submitWsColumn(originalValue, changedValue, hasRules); } wsColumn = null; }, submitWsColumn : function(originalValue, changedValue, hasRules) { /* hasRules is optional parameter and will be true only if the column has validations */ var data = '{ "id" : "' + wsColumn.id + '"'; data += ', "cp_" : "' + wsColumn.property + '"'; var props = wsColumn.uniqueProperties; $.each(props, function(key, value) { data += ', "up_' + key + '" : "' + value + '"'; }); data += ', "ov_" : "' + encodeURIComponent(originalValue) + '"'; data += ', "cv_" : "' + encodeURIComponent(changedValue) + '"'; var cell = $(wsColumn.column); var errorMessage; if (hasRules) { if (errorMap) { errorMessage = errorMap[wsColumn.property]; } } else { errorMessage = cell.attr('data-em'); } if (errorMessage) { data += ', "em_" : "' + encodeURIComponent(errorMessage) + '"'; } data += '}' var contextPath = coreapi.getContextPath(wsColumn.id); if (contextPath) { contextPath += "/"; } $.post(contextPath + 'jmesa.wrk?', eval('(' + data + ')'), function(columnStatus) { jQuery.jmesa.updateCssClass(columnStatus, cell, errorMessage); }); }, updateCssClass : function(columnStatus, cell, errorMessage) { /* Column status returned from worksheet servlet */ var classNames = { "_rm_" : 'wsColumn', "_uu_" : 'wsColumnChange', "_ue_" : 'wsColumnError' }; /* Skip other editors, e.g. checkbox etc */ if (cell.attr('class').indexOf('wsColumn') == 0) { cell.attr('class', classNames[columnStatus]); if ('wsColumn' == classNames[columnStatus]) { cell.removeAttr('data-ov'); } if (errorMessage) { /* use custom attribute to store error message */ cell.attr('data-em', errorMessage); } else { cell.removeAttr('data-em'); } } }, setTitle : function(column, e) { var title; var cell = $(column); if(e.ctrlKey) { title = cell.attr("data-ov"); } else { title = cell.attr("data-em"); } if(title) { cell.attr("title", title); } else { cell.removeAttr("title"); } } } /************* Special Effects ***********/ var effectsapi = { addDropShadow : function(imagesPath, theme) { if (!theme) { theme = 'jmesa'; } $('div.' + theme + ' .table') .wrap("
") .css({'background': 'url(' + imagesPath + 'shadow_back.gif) 100% repeat'}); $('.' + theme + ' div.wrap0').css({'background': 'url(' + imagesPath + 'shadow.gif) right bottom no-repeat', 'float':'left'}); $('.' + theme + ' div.wrap1').css({'background': 'url(' + imagesPath + 'shadow180.gif) no-repeat'}); $('.' + theme + ' div.wrap2').css({'background': 'url(' + imagesPath + 'corner_bl.gif) -18px 100% no-repeat'}); $('.' + theme + ' div.dropShadow').css({'background': 'url(' + imagesPath + 'corner_tr.gif) 100% -18px no-repeat'}); $('div.' + theme).append('
'); } } /* Put all the methods under the $.jmesa context. */ $.extend(coreapi, filterapi); $.extend(coreapi, worksheetapi); $.extend(coreapi, effectsapi); $.jmesa = {}; $.extend($.jmesa, coreapi); })(jQuery);